Discount on Bagster collection available
Prepare for your next home project
Houston – Did you know that employees with Waste Management are eligible to receive a
20 percent discount on the collection of a Bagster bag? While the snow may still be falling
in parts of the country, annual spring cleaning is right around the corner. Time to plan and
prepare for that next remodel or renovation (or maybe just a little demolition).
Get a head start on your next home project by purchasing a Bagster bag and then use the
following information to get the discount.
- Call 1-877-789-BAGS (2247) to schedule collection
- When prompted, use the coupon code 100-EMPLY-[employee ID#]
- To redeem, all 14 characters must be entered
The 20 percent discount is valid for the collection of one Bagster bag. If there are multiple
bags, it will be applied to highest-priced order.