Evergreen Landfill hits safety milestone
Five years, no recordable
Northwood, Ohio – Located in northern Ohio, Evergreen Landfill recently experienced a major safety success — five years since needing to report an OSHA recordable incident. In addition, the facility’s last “lost time” accident was October of 2005 — nearly nine years ago.
“These results are due to the diligence and focus that all the employees of Evergreen Landfill demonstrate every day,” said Sr. District Manager Steve Lonneman. Every employee at this facility is committed to taking personal ownership of their safety. At the same time, everyone also looks out for each other, which is required for these impressive results to occur. Congrats, team.
Photo : Evergreen Landfill employees, (l-r): Ben Lindsey, Craig Asman, Lish McIntosh, John Randolph, Brian Farmer, Martin Klar, Tim Mann and Larry Darr