Commercial Services
Recycle Often. Recycle Right.SM
Keep Organics and Recyclables Out of the Trash and Trash Out of Your Recyclables.
Managed properly you could reduce the size of your trash cart and save!
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Waste Assessment Business Partnership
Small Business Hazardous Waste Disposal
Mandatory Recycling Requirements
Help maximize your service options and reduce trash. Determine the most cost-effective solid waste management options with a FREE on-site assessment from Waste Management. Select right-size containers for trash, recycling and organics to save your business money. Call (510) 613-8710 to schedule an assessment.
The StopWaste.Org Business Partnership offers free technical and financial assistance to help businesses optimize waste reduction and environmental efforts. Learn more at StopWaste.Org, where you can download helpful guides on topics such as reducing paper waste and green maintenance operations, learn about the plant debris landfill ban, and find other resources to help make your business more sustainable.
Battery Recycling: California law prohibits batteries in the trash. Recycle from the convenience of your business with Waste Management BatteryTracker™. Collect batteries in a specially-designed bucket which comes with a shipping box and pre-paid postage, both Alkaline-Nickel and Lead Acid buckets are available. Learn more at
CFL Recycling: To protect your heath and the environment, California law requires compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs and tubes be recycled. Waste Management offers a simple solution. Collect CFLs in LampTracker’s Mercury VaporLok bag and mail them back in the pre-paid postage box provided. It’s that easy. Available at
Small Business Hazardous Waste Disposal: Visit to learn about disposal services available to qualifying Alameda County small businesses, including condo operators, landlords and contractors.
Mandatory recycling in the City of Albany has been in effect since July 1, 2012 for businesses and institutions with 4 or more cubic yards of garbage service as well as multi-family properties with 5 or more units. Phase 2 of the Mandatory Recycling Ordinance began July 1, 2014, which adds food scraps and compostable paper to the “Covered Materials” list. It also requires all businesses to participate (not just those with 4 or more cubic yards of weekly garbage service). Visit to learn more.