Nevada County Used Oil & Filters
Nevada County Used Oil & Filters
Curbside Oil and Oil Filter Program
Please call Customer Service at 530-274-3090 for delivery of the special oil container.
At the request of a residential customer, used oil filters and motor oil will be collected in sealed containers provided free of charge by Waste Management. Filters maybe placed in a transparent Ziplock bag for collection. Place the oil jug and bag with filter on top of your recycling bin on collection day.
Commercial Used Oil Recycling information is available on page two of this flyer
How to use certified used oil collection centers
- Place your motor oil in a sealable container. (Ask for a free reusable oil container.)
- Drain oil filter, then place in a sealable bag.
- Make sure the oil is not mixed with any other fluids.
- Some businesses offer a 40¢ per gallon rebate for used motor oil.
- Collection centers typically accept no more than 5 gallons of used motor oil and 2 filters at one time.
- Visit collection centers during business hours.(collection centers are listed below)
- Leaving oil or any other substance after hours is illegal, punishable by imprisonment or a fine up to $10,000.
- IMPORTANT - Please do not mix oil with anything. You can drop off uncontaminated used motor oil* and used oil filters at the following locations during regular business hours
Used Oil Certified Collection Centers
IMPORTANT - Please do not mix oil with anything. You can drop off uncontaminated used motor oil* and used oil filters at the following locations during regular business hours:
* Please take used motor oil that you suspect to be contaminated with water or other chemicals to the McCourtney Road Transfer Station Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
What’s so important about recycling oil filters?
It’s against the law to throw them in the trash.
- Each year the U.S. generates 425 million used automotive oil filters containing 160,000 tons of iron units and 18 million gallons of oil. The reclaimed metal is used to make rebar for construction.
- Used oil filters can contain more than 45 percent used motor oil in weight when removed from the vehicle.