Single-family Residential Service
SB 1383 Mandatory Organics Recycling Service will be Comming Soon to the City of Chico
While organics services are not yet available to individual residents, they will be coming soon. Senate Bill 1383 requires Californians to sort and separately collect food scraps, yard debris, and food-soiled paper from trash and recycling. This means food scraps are no longer acceptable in your trash container. SB 1383 is the most significant landfill waste reduction mandate adopted in California in the last 30 years. Its goal is to reduce organic waste discarded in landfills by 75% (from 2014 levels) by 2025. This means diverting over 20 million tons from landfills to slow climate change and reduce the state’s environmental footprint.
Click here to see what materials are accepted in the organics cart.
For more information and resources about food diversion, visit What is SB 1383?
City of Chico Residential Services Brochure: Download (PDF)
Services: Recycling (Blue Lid), Green Waste (Green Lid), Trash (Black Lid)
Click on each cart name to view what goes inside.
Cart Set Out Instructions
Trash, recycling and green waste are collected every week. Wheel carts to curb by 5:00 a.m. on your collection day. Carts should be placed side-by-side at least 3 feet apart and 3 feet away from objects such as parked cars and mailboxes. Do not overload carts; lids should close. Overage fees may apply if overflowing. Recycling and/or Green Waste carts with garbage mixed in may be subject to contamination charges.
Holiday Schedule: New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. When holiday lands on regular collection day, collection will be one day later for rest of the week.
Prohibited Items
These items do not belong in any of your carts. Hazardous Waste (Products labeled toxic, poison, corrosive, flammable or irritant), Medical Waste (Needles, Prescription Medication), Paint, Oil and/or Oil Filters, Batteries (Household and Automotive), CFL and Fluorescent Bulbs and Tubes, Tires, Hot Ashes, Electronic Waste (Computers, Televisions, Cell Phones, Kitchen Appliances), Ink Cartridges, Dead Animals
Additional Residentail Services

Green waste collection is now included in your rate. Please help divert compostable items from the landfill by placing yard trimmings, leaves and small branches in your green waste cart. Rocks, dirt and food waste should not be placed in green waste carts. Waste Management will service this cart every week.

Green waste collection is in addition to the City’s Leaf Collection program. The City program typically runs from early November to early January depending on leaf drop. There is no set day of the week for leaf pickup. For more information go to

Each residential customer account includes up to 2 curbside bulky pickups per year, for up to 3 large items. Please call (530) 893-4777 at least 48 hours ahead of your usual collection day to schedule service. Items must be curbside by 5 a.m. Acceptable items include furniture and appliances. Tires, construction debris, medical waste and household hazardous waste are not acceptable. Please indicate items to be picked up when booking appointment. Click here for more information.

To reduce litter and wildlife conflicts, all trash should fit inside your cart. One additional green waste and recycling cart can be added to your account at no additional cost. Customers who overfill their carts will receive a warning, and may be subject to fines.

Please recycle right to help Chico reach its recycling (diversion) goals. Carts with the wrong materials inside may be subject to an additional contamination fee per cart. Use the guides at top of page to help sort properly.

Curbside collection of Christmas trees is included in residential accounts. Collection begins the first business day after December 25, and continues for approximately 3 weeks. Trees may be placed inside or bundled next to your green waste cart. They should be cut into sections no longer than 3 feet and be free of tinsel, flock and other decorations.

Keep paint, electronics, motor oil, sharps, pharmaceuticals and other hazardous materials out of our landfills. They don’t belong in trash, recycling or green waste carts. For a complete list of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) disposal locations in Butte County, call (866) 429-2288 or visit
Residential Rates
Below are residential rates for this area. Rates are based on trash service level and include 64-gallon recycling and 96-gallon green waste.
$23.03 per month | $32.91 per month | $39.92 per month |
If you are a member of a Home Owners Association, resident of a mobile home park or have additional questions, please contact us at 530-893-4777
Green Waste Recycling Exemption Application
Residents meeting specific criteria may be elligible for a Green Waste Recycling Exemption through the City of Chico. Click here for more information about the program.