Commingled Recycling
Each household is provided with a 64-gallon green recycling cart for recyclable materials. There is no need to sort cans, bottles or paper; they all go in the same cart. DO NOT BAG YOUR RECYCLING. Please make sure the lid is closed and the opening faces the street.
Acceptable Materials for Recycling Cart

Paper Products:
- Newspaper
- Mixed color paper
- White paper
- Cardboard
- Junk mail
- Magazines
- Telephone books
- Paper bags
- Cereal & food boxes
- Egg cartons
- Shoe boxes
Glass Containers:
- Clear, brown & green food & beverage containers (with lids removed)
Plastic Containers:
- Bottles & containers (Labeled #1-7)
- Plastic milk containers
- Detergent containers
Metal Containers:
- Aluminum cans
- Steel cans
- Tin cans
- Food cans
- Empty aerosol cans
- Pie tins
Non-Acceptable Materials for Recycling Cart

- Hazardous waste
- Yard waste
- Animal waste
- Window glass
- Diapers
- Mirrors
- Ceramics
- Clothing
- Napkins
- Plastic Bags and Film
- Carpet
- Food waste
- Greasy Pizza boxes
- Tissue paper
- Light bulbs
- Wood
- Liquids
- Electronic Waste