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Incline Village Transfer Station

1200 Sweetwater Road
Incline Village, NV 89451
*Located at the corner of
Sweetwater Road and State Route 28
Phone: 775-831-2971

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
* Closed for lunch each day from 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM. Closed for the following holidays: Thanksgiving and Christmas only.

The transfer station accepts construction and demolition, bulky items, cardboard, appliances, motor oil, car batteries, anti-freeze, paper, newspaper, magazines, aluminum and steel cans, junk mail, all hard plastics (#1-7), and glass bottles and jars.

Transfer Station Brochure

Bulky Item Drop Off

Residential customers may drop off up to three (3) cubic yards of trash, including furniture, appliances four (4) times per year at the transfer station free of charge. Customers must present utility bill, IVGID card or driver license with service address and be current in their trash payment.

Permission for Renters: Property owners may provide signed permission for tenants to use the bulky drop off and courtesy trash drop off service.  Download and complete permission form.

Courtesy Trash Drop Off

Are you leaving town before trash collection day? As a courtesy, single family residences (with appropriate ID/license/utility bill) with curbside service may drop off the weekly equivalent curbside allocation of household trash and recycling at no additional cost. If this option is chosen, the property will not receive trash service on their next scheduled service day.

Sharps Collection

Used syringes, needles, lancets and scalpel blades cannot go in your trash. They are a biohazard and safety issue.

Pick up a free sharps collection container at the Waste Management office during regular business hours.   Each Sharps container comes with pre-paid return mailing to the treatment facility for certified destruction.